Keep track of your images and listings using our duplicate photo finder
that identifies both exact and near duplicates
Detects near identical duplicates
Detects the same property images from various sources
Detects identical duplicates
Detects images with different watermarks
Automatically detects duplicate photos and ads
Easy API integration
Our Duplicate Detection API employs visual similarity analysis to assess how similar two images are.
This API empowers companies to systematically manage and refresh their datasets, identifying various duplicates, such as identical items and listings, near identical duplicates (cropped, resized images), watermarked images, semantically similar text and diverse shots of the same property.
Eliminate duplicate images and listings to maintain accurate, reliable and up-to-date information, which in turn maintains customer loyalty and company reputation
Duplicate content on a website can harm its search engine rankings. Removing duplicates can improve the website's structure and content, making it easier to attract organic traffic
Our duplicate detector tool helps to reduce storage and maintenance costs associated with duplicate listings, optimizing database efficiency for maximum cost savings
By proactively identifying and removing duplicate listings, our solution reduces the risk of fraudulent activities on your platform, protecting your users from potential scams
Our Duplicate Detection tool can be customized to meet your specific business requirements. Contact us for more details.
Talk to an expertImprove user experience by enabling easy search for identical properties from various dealers
Detect fraud and manage listings efficiently by identifying fake listings and eliminating duplicates
Streamline data processing, ensuring a clean and reliable dataset for analysis
Enhance inventory management by identifying near-duplicate images for products sold by multiple vendors
Avoid redundancy by preventing multiple uploads of the same image by different users
Prevent copyright violations by identifying near-duplicate images